July 28, 2010 by Mike ClarkiOS 4 introduces one new feature that will fundamentally change the way you program in general: blocks. Blocks are an extension to the C language and thus fully supported in
July 28, 2010 by Mike ClarkiOS 4 introduces one new feature that will fundamentally change the way you program in general: blocks. Blocks are an extension to the C language and thus fully supported in
7月6日,知名移动数据监测机构App Annie在移动互联网创新大会上公布的这组数据揭开了中国移动互联网产业的现实与无奈。
...作者:虎嗅网 昨天早上,据新浪科技的一篇报道 ,@虎嗅网发了一条微博: 【哪些中国公司在iOS上赚的钱最多?】美国知名移动数据监测机构App Annie披露了中国iOS收入排名前10位的发行商,它们全是游戏开发企业,分别是博雅互动、LV1、HappyLatte、PinIdea、Haypi、人人游戏、胡莱游戏、Tap4Fun、iFree Studio和顽石互动。第一季度,这十
1。准备环境。mac os,xcode 4.2.1/。ios机器越狱并安装appsync。3。对xcode进行破解。