AppStore增加了验证内购(In App Purchasement)的方法, 就是苹果提供一个url地址, 开发测试用:
当购买成功时, 会得到苹果返回的一个收据(receipt), 苹果推荐的方法是将收据发给开发者的server, 由server像上述地址post http消息, 进行验证, 苹果将结果返回.到底是真正的购买还是虚假的购买.
没有自己server的小伙伴可以用app进行发送, 代码如下.
#define ITMS_SANDBOX_VERIFY_RECEIPT_URL @""#pragma mark - VerifyFinishedTransaction-(void)verifyFinishedTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction{ if(transaction.transactionState == SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased){ NSString *transactionIdentifier = transaction.transactionIdentifier; NSData *transactionReceipt = transaction.transactionReceipt; //将transactionIdentifer和加密后的transactionReceipt数据发送给server端 NSString* receipent = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s", transactionReceipt.bytes]; NSLog(@"receipent = %@", receipent); // 在app上做验证, 仅用于测试 NSString *payload = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{\"receipt-data\" : \"%@\", \"password\" : \"%@\"}", receipent, transactionIdentifier]; NSData *payloadData = [payload dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:ITMS_SANDBOX_VERIFY_RECEIPT_URL]]; [request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"]; [request setHTTPBody:payloadData]; NSError* err; NSURLResponse *theResponse = nil; NSData *data=[NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&theResponse error:&err]; NSError *jsonParsingError = nil; NSDictionary *dict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:kNilOptions error:&jsonParsingError]; NSLog(@"%@", dict); NSLog(@"done"); } }
Status Code | Description |
21000 | The App Store could not read the JSON object you provided. |
21002 | The data in the receipt-data property was malformed or missing. |
21003 | The receipt could not be authenticated. |
21004 | The shared secret you provided does not match the shared secret on file for your account.Only returned for iOS 6 style transaction receipts for auto-renewable subscriptions. |
21005 | The receipt server is not currently available. |
21006 | This receipt is valid but the subscription has expired. When this status code is returned to your server, the receipt data is also decoded and returned as part of the response.Only returned for iOS 6 style transaction receipts for auto-renewable subscriptions. |
21007 | This receipt is from the test environment, but it was sent to the production environment for verification. Send it to the test environment instead. |
21008 | This receipt is from the production environment, but it was sent to the test environment for verification. Send it to the production environment instead. |